One of the largest unreached nations in the world, Thailand presents great opportunity for Kingdom impact.

We choose to engage the Thai people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip leaders to expand the kingdom of God.





We work to ignite a passion for the supremacy of Jesus Christ among the Thai people with a focus on the poor and marginalized, both in the heart of Bangkok and the North. Our aim is to launch multiplying movements of Christ-centered churches with a heart to reach out to their communities.


Kingdom Kids, now an official program of the Thai Peace Foundation, is designed for outreach in communities by addressing the needs of under-resourced children primarily in rural communities. In a day camp format, Kingdom Kids uses quality English as a Second Language lessons, sports programs, or other life skills to nurture the children. We help them see their value and worth as humans made in the image of God and introduce them to Jesus as Lord and Savior. This program is an exciting opportunity for short-term teams to come alongside our ministry.

BANGKOK 15/25 - Santisuk English School

Bangkok 15/25 aims to start 15 new churches in Bangkok by the year 2025 using the Santisuk English School ministry model, which introduces students not only to English, but also to Jesus. We desire to see the peace of Jesus sweep across Bangkok, as more and more Thais come to know and follow Him.


Partnering with the Thai church is important to us. Training Thai leaders, in their context, to be more effective in ministry is our focus. Our Thai partners have asked us to join them to train, mentor, and educate the next generation of church leaders in Thailand. We will conduct seminars for leaders in topics as diverse as financial planning and sports ministry, all with the goal of starting and strengthening churches and seeing God’s kingdom spread throughout Thailand. In partnership with CRU, and by God’s grace, 500 house churches will dot the Thailand countryside by 2025. The work has already begun.

Note: The Udon Training Center is currently in planning stages; not pictured here.


The Udon Training Center will be a multi-use training center close to the boarder of Laos that will train leaders to shepherd a gospel movement in the Northern provinces of Thailand and Southern Laos. Housing an English Center and church, providing a place for leadership training, conducting medical and dental missions, launching sports outreach, and deploying leaders to make disciples will make the Udon Training Center a hub for Christian education.


We partner with coaches and church leaders who use sports to connect with their communities. Sponsor a team or league, help conduct a coaching clinic, send a team, or even help our main Thai partner buy a bus to transport players. We are only limited by our imagination.


The Hosea Project was launched to address the spiritual needs of those trapped in the sex trafficking industry and find ways to share the gospel with them. Through this ministry, participants also have the opportunity to improve their English language and baking skills, increasing their chances of gaining and maintaining other types of employment. The Hosea Project is based in Bangkok and carried out in partnership with Rahab Ministries.


Thonburi Deaf Church was established in 2006 to provide a place where deaf people could worship and share the gospel with other deaf people so that they could come to know Jesus. This Thai-led movement has grown to 5 locations and has begun training deaf church leaders in Cambodia and Laos. Most deaf people tend to trust or believe other deaf people more than they do hearing people. Because of this, deaf people come to believe in God mostly through relationships with other deaf people. This provides a great opportunity for deaf Christians worldwide to have kingdom impact!


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